Photography is a perfect example of being able to merge a hobby with my creative works. To this day I typically I try to only use my personal photography for my design work. That isn't to say that stock images don't have their use. But compared to stock photography I believe using my images is a more authentic representation my style and aesthetic.
The first group of pictures are "just for fun," a look at what captures my attention. I have an affinity for nature and for hand-crafted tools. I don't know why, but I'm also a sucker for old signs, and almost anything with rust.
The second series of photos became a student page layout project. I had just returned from a trip to Hominy, a small town, Oklahoma. I hadn't intended to create a book about my visit, but frankly I was riveted by the images and my recent experience. It is a personal reflection, using the photos to tell most of the story.